Asia-Europe cooperation is more important than ever 18th May 2018 The second Asia-Europe Political Forum (AEPF) concluded in London today by calling for cooperation between the two continents to tackle global problems such as... European News
EU defence spending about integration, not military capability 4th May 2018 A proposed 22-fold increase in the EU defence budget could mean less money being spent on key areas, Conservative Defence Spokesman Geoffrey Van Orden warned... European News
Foster: "Cosmetic testing on animals must be banned worldwide” 3rd May 2018 Today Conservative MEPs backed a call for the EU to spearhead a global ban on the testing of cosmetics on animals. The European Parliament voted overwhelmingly... European News
New plan unveiled to end ‘ghost fishing' 24th April 2018 A new plan to protect our oceans from ‘ghost fishing’ has been unveiled today by Conservative MEP John Flack. Marine wildlife and coral reefs are being... European News
New rules will prevent another Dieselgate scandal 19th April 2018 Comprehensive measures to prevent a repeat of the Dieselgate scandal today secured final approval from MEPs. Conservative Internal Market spokesman Daniel... European News
Selmayrgate: Time for the Commission to pull their heads out of the sand 18th April 2018 MEPs have today backed a resolution likening the actions of the Commission to a coup, in an appointment process that saw Martin Selmayr named Secretary General... European News
Syed Kamall: Macron's proposals risk a return to a 1950s agenda 17th April 2018 Emmanuel Macron's reform proposals risk returning the European Union to an outdated agenda of political integration, European Conservatives and Reformists group... European News
Kamall: Syria strikes necessary to reinstate international rules 16th April 2018 Responding to President Tajani's statement to the European Parliament this afternoon on military strikes by the US, UK and France in Syria, Conservative MEP... European News
Russia's EU gas pipelines must play by our rules 21st March 2018 New rules to enforce EU gas liberalisation rules on pipelines from third countries such as Russia have been adopted today by parliament’s energy and industry... European News