The European Union needs to show pragmatism, not idealism, if it is to secure a mutually beneficial Brexit deal with Britain.
Conservative MEP Syed Kamall, co-chairman of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament, told MEPs today the EU must not get bogged down in the structure of talks.
He said: "I hope that we avoid becoming trapped by the sequencing of negotiations.
"Idealism may be a wonderful way to view the world, sequencing may appear to be perfectly logical, but it will be pragmatism that delivers the solutions we all want to see.
"There needs to be more understanding from the EU27 as to where the British people are coming from. The UK joined the EEC 40 years ago because it believed in open trade. That was the UK's main motivation for its current relationship with the EU and it will be a major motivation in creating the UK's future relationship with the EU."
London MEP Mr Kamall, who was speaking in the key note debate on last week's European Council summit, said Brussels should take a similar hard headed approach to the migration crisis.
Proposals approved by the Parliament's home affairs committee last week would end the system of processing asylum seekers in the first EU country they reach. Instead they would be offered a choice of four countries, based on a mandatory quota system, with their claim being processed on arrival.
Mr Kamall said this would force quotas on countries which already have said they do not support relocation.
He added: "The ECR welcomes much in the Council's current strategy in tackling the migrant crisis.
But the Parliament has a position...that throws out the rule book and long established asylum laws.
"This approach gives asylum seekers false hope and EU citizens false solutions. These proposals won't increase solidarity but may increase voters' frustrations with politicians.
"Please let us rethink the unintended consequences of the proposals in a pragmatic way."